The importance of the Network lies in the fact that it facilitates the exchange of experiences, know-how and resources between Member-Cities, while at the same time supporting the creative, social and economic potential of the wider region.
For the first time in the history of this institution, Thessaloniki is the only Greek city to join Unesco’s Network of Creative Cities of Gastronomy. This major success, which makes Thessaloniki a gastronomic capital and aids in strengthening its identity and brand, was the result of a strategic collaboration between the Municipality of Thessaloniki, the Ministry of Tourism and the Hellenic National Commission for Unesco.
“After an invitation by the Deputy Minister of Tourism Sofia Zacharaki to all municipalities, […] we prepared and submitted a complete proposal, highlighting, among other things, the history of the city, our gastronomic tradition as shaped over the centuries, the international work of the scientific and research community in the food sector as well as the city’s creative potential. The candidacy of Thessaloniki was strongly supported by the Ministry of Tourism and the competent Undersecretary, but also by Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis himself, as well as by the Greek Unesco Goodwill Ambassador, Marianna Vardinogianni“, said the Mayor of Thessaloniki Konstantinos Zervas.
“Creative Cities of Gastronomy is a Network of Cities that have a long tradition in gastronomy and promotes Cultural Diversity and Sustainable Urban Development. The importance of the Network lies in the fact that it facilitates the exchange of experiences, know-how and resources between Member-Cities, while at the same time supporting the creative, social and economic potential of the wider region. The benefits for the cities selected by Unesco are huge”, said the Deputy Minister of Tourism Sofia Zacharaki.
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