Virtual lecture themed “#NeapolisAthina: now and then. Presentation of the periodic exhibition on the history of Neapoli, Exarcheia”
The cycle of virtual lectures presented in the framework of the action “The Epigraphic Museum and Exarcheia: Stories of a neighborhood”, a collaboration between the Epigraphic Museum and the Hellenic American Union, closes with the seventh and final lecture, which will take place on Monday, June 14 at 19:00. Speaker Ms. Louiza Karapidaki, art historian and archaeologist, will present the periodic exhibition held in 2017 at the Hellenic American Union and titled “#NeapolisAthina: now and then” and curated by Ms Karapidaki.

Το Επιγραφικό Μουσείο / The Epigraphic Museum
The purpose of the action “The Epigraphic Museum and Exarcheia: Stories of a neighborhood” is to explore and highlight aspects of the history of Exarcheia and the people who live or have lived in the area. In the cycle of virtual lectures, a new topic was presented every fifteen days, such as “Urban landscape and conditions of participation: The case of Exarcheia” and “Exarcheia of literary authors 1880-1944: G. Souris, K. Palamas, N. Lapathiotis, M. Polydouri, literary salons and cafes “. With the contribution of the ERT and the MIET / ELIA Archives, archive material was presented as well. The lecture cycle ends with the presentation of the exhibition on the history of Neapoli.
Please fill in your email address in the following form to receive the lecture link https://forms.gle/MRVR3Rt1xtoJGPQQ7
More information: https://epigrafikomouseiodrasi.blogspot.com/
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