Following once again the practice of the late Dimitrios Pantermalis, the Director General of the Acropolis Museum, Prof. Nikolaos Chr. Stambolidis, presented the Museum’s activities for the year June 2023 – June 2024 “following” the birthday of the Acropolis Museum.

During these months the Museum organised exhibitions, implemented educational programmes, organised lectures and welcomed thousands of visitors, families and students.

From 4 December 2023 to 14 April 2024, the Museum organized and presented in the Periodical Exhibitions Hall the exhibition entitled “MEANINGS. Personifications and Allegories from Antiquity to Today”. In this Tetralogy – Antiquity, Byzantium, Renaissance and Modern Art – visitors had the opportunity to admire 164 works, small, medium and large, of different materials and periods, and to discover personifications, symbolisms and allegories, not only in the major but also in the decorative arts.

@Paris Tavitian

The exhibitions “The Parthenon and Byron” and McCabe’s “Hail Stranger in the Land of Dreams”, with about 100 photographs by Robert McCabe, highlighting the everyday life of post-war Greece, are currently on view.Admission to both exhibitions is free to the public.

@Paris Tavitian

The Museum’s Educational Programmes Department continues to implement programmes for students, children and families in Greek and English. During the period June 2023 – May 2024, 186,537 school students from Greece and 89,620 school students from abroad visited the Museum. At the same time, guided tours to special groups of the public continued in cooperation with the General Secretariat for Vulnerable Citizens and Institutional Protection of the Ministry of Immigration and Asylum and the Detention Centres.

In the purely scientific field, the Museum continued the conservation of antiquities and their re-exposure, research and documentation of finds.

During the period June 2023 – June 2024, the Acropolis Museum continued to play a leading role in the efforts to reunite the Parthenon architectural sculptures. In fact, it was during this year that the definitive reunification of the “Fagan fragment” on Stone VI of the Parthenon’s eastern frieze at the Acropolis Museum was achieved. A move both substantial and symbolic, the result of the coordinated efforts of the State and the Museum.

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