After dozens of wonderful objects presented so far, the Unseen Museum welcomes the “ancient hot water bottles”. This is a set of clay vases of therapeutic use, dating from the end of the 3rd to the 1st century BC and coming from Athens, Chalkida, Tanagra and other regions. These objects, which for years were described as common flasks, were identified as the paraphernalia of doctors, athletes and pharmacists of antiquity. Their curious shapes and special way of construction made them suitable for the relief of a variety of ailments in different parts of the body. The “ancient hot water bottles” are on display in the “Altar Room” (room 34) from Tuesday 23 May to Monday 31 July 2023.
On 11 and 25 June, 9 and 23 July on Sunday, as well as on 7 and 28 June and 5 July on Wednesday at 13:00, Museum archaeologists will welcome visitors to the exhibition and talk to them about the ancient healers, the methods and secrets of ancient healing, from prehistoric times to the end of antiquity.

Πήλινες αρχαίες θερμοφόρες από το Εθνικό Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο.
Ancient clay hot-water bottles from the National Archaeological Museum.

Πήλινες αρχαίες θερμοφόρες από το Εθνικό Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο.
Ancient clay hot-water bottles from the National Archaeological Museum.
Presentation dates:
11 and 25 June and 9 and 23 July on Sunday, starting at 13:00 and
7 and 28 June and 5 July on Wednesday, starting at 13:00 on Wednesday.
Τηλ. Επικοινωνίας: 213 214 4856, 2132144889, 2132144838
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