The screening of the film “Phantom owl forest” – (Christmas in the enchanted forest) which will take place at 6.30 in the afternoon of Saturday 28 December at the Cultural Centre of “Ichthioskala”, opens the cycle of events organized by the municipality of Patras to welcome the New Year, “saying goodbye” to Christmas.
The central character in the play is 10-year-old Eia, who is forced to spend her Christmas holidays on a remote farm in the woods instead of being with her family. At first, the idea seems boring, but she soon discovers that the place is full of secrets. Eia meets new friends and learns about an ancient forest, which is threatened with destruction. So she decides to protect the forest and its rare animals, including a mysterious ghost owl. As she delves into the history of the farm and the forest, family secrets are revealed that change her life.
Director Anu Aun. Cast. Paula Rits, Siim Oskar Ots, Liis Lemsalu, Jaan Rekkor.
Concert of the String Orchestra in Achaia Klaus
At 8.00 in the evening of Sunday 29 December the cellar of Achaia Klaus will be flooded with the sounds of chamber music performed by the “Thanasis Tsipinakis” String Orchestra of the Municipality of Patras.
The Orchestra will be conducted by Anastasios Simeonidis. Michalis Kalkanis will play the counter bass.The artistic direction of the orchestra will be supervised by Vaya Zeppatou. The entrance to the concert is free of charge.
Performance by the Street Theatre Group X – SALTIBAGOS
At noon (12.00) on Sunday 29 December at George Square the X-Saltibagos Theatre Group will present a special festive event and games. The saltibagos will come into direct contact with the audience giving another colour to the city centre through an interactive game.
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