The Municipality of Athens, aiming to raise awareness, inform and support citizens on educational and health issues, collaborates with scientifically recognized organizations and conducts free lectures at the Creative Learning Centers through the Culture, Sports and Youth Organization of the Municipality of Athens (OPANDA) from October 2022 to April 2023.
The lecture series will be held by the Hellenic Psychiatric Society* and the Association “Together for Children “** respectively.
The programme of the lectures:
Open discussions – Speeches on mental health issues by the “Hellenic Psychiatric Society” (from October to December 2022)
(60 Taygetou Street, 210 2011151)
Saturday 15.10.2022| 17:00-19:00
“Open discussion on mental health issues”
Speaker: Lillian Markaki, Psychiatrist-Psychotherapist. Member of the Board of Directors of EPSE and IBA.
Lillip Marka, member of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Psychology and the Institute of the Greek Academy of Social Sciences (ICSC).
Saturday 12.11.2022| 18:00-20:00
“Dealing with stigma in mental health, when to go to the doctor”
Speaker: Nikolaos Gouvas, Psychiatrist. Nicolò Gouca, Nicolò Gouca, Nicolò Gouca.
Niko Gouca, Nicolae Gouca | Saturday 26.11.2022| 17:00-19:00
“Open discussion on mental health issues”
Speaker: Lillian Markaki, Psychiatrist-Psychotherapist. Member of the Board of Directors of EPSE and IBA.
Lillipiano Marka, member of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Psychology and the Institute of the Institute of Psychology and the Institute of the Greek Academy of Sciences (IFC).
Saturday 10.12.2022| 18:00-20:00
“Dealing with stigma in mental health, when to go to the doctor”
Speaker: Nikolaos Gouvas, Psychiatrist. Nicolò Gouca, Nicolò Gouca, Nicolò Gouca.
* “The Hellenic Psychiatric Society (EPSE)” has as its main objectives the promotion and enhancement of psychiatric clinical practice and prevention in Mental Health, the safeguarding of the rights of the mentally ill and the promotion of Psychiatric education and research in Greece.
“It’s easy to be a parent, hard to be one: Because our children’s mental health is as important as their physical health” by the Together for Children Association
Nordau Creative Learning Centre (Nordau 7, tel. 210 6433128)
Friday 21.10.2022| 18:30-20:30
“Psycho-emotional development of children aged 6-12 years”
Friday 04.11.2022| 18:30-20:30
“Communication within the family”
Friday 02.12.2022| 18:30-20:30
“School Bullying”
Friday 13.01.2023| 18:30-20:30
“Learning difficulties”
Friday 10.03.2023| 18:30-20:30
“I’m a parent, do I set boundaries?”
Friday 07.04.2023|18:30-20:30
“My child is entering puberty, what do I do?”
** “Together for Children” is an association of nine non-profit associations and foundations, working every year for the well-being of thousands of children in Greece.
The main objective of the association is to provide assistance to children and young people who are facing poverty, disability, abuse and illness.
More information is available at www.opanda.gr, at the respective Creative Learning Centre and at tel. 210 5284984.
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