On Wednesday 18 October 2023, diaNEOsis and the Friends of Music Society are organising an event entitled “Culture: our great competitive advantage“. This modular event will take place at the Megaron Athens Concert Hall, in two different halls, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Society The Friends of Music and the publication of the new research of diNeOsis specifically on culture in Greece.
The aim of the event is to explore cutting-edge and topical issues concerning culture as a creator of social values and to propose solutions to the problems that continue to plague the field.
The details, speakers and structure of the event are included in the programme below:
Yannis Marinos Hall
16:00 – 16:45 Debate on “Cultural identity and youth: methods of approach”
- Erifylli Maroniti, Moderator AthensCultureNet
- Betty Tsakarestou, Associate Professor at Panteion University
- Prodromos Tsiavos, Director of Digital Development and Innovation at the Onassis Foundation
Coordinated by Stefania Merakou, Director of the Music Library “Lillian Voudouri”
17:00 – 17:45 Debate on “Health crisis and culture”
- Christina Anagnostopoulou, Associate Professor at the Department of Music Studies of the University of Athens – Scientific Associate at the Aeginition Hospital
- Sofia Chandaka, Co-founder Co-museum – Curator of World Cultures at the Benaki Museum
- Thanasis Dritsas, Cardiologist – Composer
Moderated by: Elias Nikolaidis, Content coordinator at diaNEOsis
Dimitris Mitropoulos Hall
18:30–19:00 Arrival
19:00–19:30 Greetings
- Lina Mendoni, Minister of Culture
- Dimitris Daskalopoulos, President & Founder of diaNEOsis
- Panos Dimaras, President-The Friends of Music Society
19:30 – 19:50 Presentation of the diaNEOsis Study on Culture in Greece
Christos Karras, Study Coordinator and Cultural Strategy Consultant, Senior Consultant at the Onassis Foundation and Senior Associate AEA Consulting
19:50 – 20:30 Discussion
- Marianna Kalbari, Artistic Director of the Karolos Koun Art Theatre
- Syrago Tsiara, Director of the National Gallery of Greece
- Alexandros Charkiolakis, Director of the Friends of Music Society
- Christos Chomenidis, Author
Panel moderated by: Faye Makantasi, Research Director of diaNeOsis
20:30 Music: Nikolia Garoufallidou (violin), Dionysis Mallouchos (piano)
21:00Cheese & Wine
The relevant study of diaNeOsis attempts a complete mapping of the cultural sector in Greece. In what ways can culture contribute to the production of social and economic value? How could our country make better use of the Cultural and Creative Sectors? In recent years there has been an intensified debate on the ways in which the multifaceted sector of culture can be a driver of sustainable development, regional regeneration and a development tool.
The research aims to open a series of debates and new research efforts on the contemporary role of culture in the society and economy of Greece. In this context, the author team focuses on eight thematic areas and concludes on specific interventions that could form the basis for cultural policies with targeted, developmental actions.
Free entrance with priority tickets
Tickets will go on sale on 13/10, here
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