Marginalia Gallery presents the Group Ceramics Exhibition entitled ” Flowers & Fruits” from 9/2/2024 – 2/3/2024.
The opening will take place on Friday 9 February 2024 at 18.30.
The following Greek and Cypriot ceramists participate in the exhibition:
Varnava Uranya, Gerontiti Dimitra, Demetriou Vasos, Drapanitou Mirka, Efstratiou Domniki, Kalvari Koula, Koropouli Charoula, Kosma Iosifina, Morfi Dora, Panopoulou Kallia, Papaioannou Vassilis, Perakis Stavros, Tsakiroglou Dora, Christopoulos Ilias.
Aristodemos Anastasiades in his text on the exhibition states:
“Flowers and fruits. Magical gifts of the earth, noble gestures of the times and seasons. Linked from the dawn of history with myths, tradition, the arts in every form, human destiny in every manifestation. Welcome gifts of birth, celebration, joy, anniversaries, farewells. Generously given by nature, which transforms them and gives them life.
Flowers and fruits from the Horn of Amalthea with miraculous and magical properties, symbols of abundance for every good and goodness.
Flowers and fruits, art, life …¨
Arch. Kyprianou 15 DΕ 2059 Strovolos, τηλ.99657080
Email: [email protected]
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