The Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation and the National Museum of the Royal Navy of the United Kingdom (NMRN) present the temporary exhibition “Nelson in his own words” in Portsmouth.
Admiral Horatio Nelson, a national hero of the Great War. Britain, is to this day a model of a capable leader and commander in sea warfare. His historic victories in the Napoleonic Wars, culminating in the triumph of the British fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar (21 October 1805) – where he met his death – changed the course of history.
The exhibition “Nelson in his own words”, includes part of the NMRN’s rich collection together with important items – mainly letters – from the Nelson Collection of the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation, which is the largest collection of the English Admiral’s work outside the UK. Through these letters, most of which are being exhibited to the public for the first time, every aspect of his life unfolds: from his naval victories to his turbulent relationship with Emma Hamilton, Admiral Nelson “reveals” himself to the visitor who is left to admire the great personality.
The opening of the exhibition took place on 12 October and was attended by important personalities from the UK. Kingdom and Greece, including the Ambassador of Greece to the United Kingdom. Kingdom Mr. Ioannis Raptakis, the Director of the Military Office of the Presidency of the Republic Vice Admiral Efthimios Mikros (PN), Greek and British honorary Chiefs of the General Staff, the General Staff, the Honorary Secretary General of the IMO Mr. Efthimios Mitropoulos and the President of the Foundation Mr. Panos Laskaridis, the Greek Defence Attaché in London and officers of the PN serving in England. During the opening ceremony, Mr Laskaridis donated to the NMRN the item “The London Gazette, dated July 29 to August 1, 1797” from the Nelson Collection of the Foundation, which gave great pleasure and emotion to the Director General of the Museum, Professor Dominic Tweddle.
On the occasion of the exhibition, the NMRN has created a special website https://nelsoninhisownwords.nmrn.org.uk/, which includes an interactive application https://nelson.dev.cyberfoxdigital.co.uk/ dedicated to the Admiral’s letters.
The exhibition catalogue is also available online and can be downloaded here. https://issuu.com/martyndowner/docs/nelson_-_in_his_own_words
The “Nelson in his own words” exhibition will run until Easter 2023.
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