Wisedog launches on Friday 20 September at 8 p.m., in its underground exhibition space, the solo painting exhibition of Yorgos Kitsoulis entitled “From East to West“. The exhibition includes mainly paintings and some engravings, through which Yorgos Kitsoulis invites us to discover and re-evaluate our limits in relation to the surrounding space.

In the section “From East to West”, the artist explores the living process that emerges through painting in nature, where the individual interacts with the surrounding space. Fragrances, trees, huge mountain ranges, all well-lit and with their significance bathed in light.

Within this environment, human presence becomes evident through its absence as the human footprint becomes imperceptible without the excesses of urban elements.

Painting in nature is a fleeting impression of the moment, a freeze in time and then a fixation that resembles mapping without its exact meaning. The artist transforms frames of the natural world into a diary of situations of coexistence with nature.

Yorgos Kitsoulis-Short Bio

Yorgos Kitsoulis studied at the School of Fine Arts of Florina under the guidance of the artist Yannis Kastritsis from 2006 to 2011
He has participated in group exhibitions in Florina, Athens, Patras, Ioannina, Larissa and has presented a solo exhibition in Pelion.

Since 2015 she has been actively involved in sculpture, engraving and interior and exterior decoration.

She lives and works in Larissa as a teacher.

Opening Night: Friday 20/07 at 20:00
Venue: WISEDOG Area #03, Skylosofou 3, Larisa
Duration: 20/09 – 03/10/2024
Opening Hours: Daily 10:00 – 23:00
On the opening night, the music will be curated by Yannis Tsirikoglou at the Lobby (Area #02)

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