The bust of the late Yannis Floros was presented on Sunday, July 14, 2024 in his birthplace, the local community of Anatoli in the Municipality of Agia, in an event with great emotional charge organized by the Local Community of Anatoli.

During the unveiling ceremony of the bust, the Mayor of Agia Antonis Gountaras referred to the life and work of Yannis Floros, briefly covering his multifaceted activity as a Minister, MP, Prefect, doctor, but mainly as an emblematic figure of the local society, a man who determined with his work and actions the future of the wider region.

Antonis Gountaras referred to the importance of preserving memory as a means of recording the living history of the place and referred to the personal relationship he had with Yannis Floros, a ” master-student relationship ” as he said. “I would not have been the same if I had not served alongside him, if I had not had access to his vast wealth of knowledge and experience,” the Mayor said.

Present at the event were the former MP and son of Yannis Floros Nikos Floros, the Regional Governor of Thessaly D. Kouretas, the Member of Parliament of Larissa of PASOK – KINAL Evag. Liakouli, the president of the Medical Association K. Giannakopoulos, the former prefect Loukas Katsaros, regional and municipal councillors and many people who honoured the memory of one of the most emblematic figures that highlighted the region.

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