In her new solo exhibition entitled “If”, Anita Christofidou deals with the subjectivity of the gaze and tries to interpret it, both in her photographic record and in her gestural painting. An allegorical journey with figures and shadows that converse silently discovering sometimes emotional ambiguity and sometimes childishness and eroticism as elements that make up human nature. Natural landscapes that reflect the darkness, the gloom and the blurred reality hidden within us and others that project vitality.

The artist with skill and artistic courage produces works whose main characteristic is their unclear boundaries in understanding, categorization and interpretation. Her photographs and paintings create a palimpsest of congenial colour contrasts that leave the boundaries suspended indistinct both in defining these works and in giving them a logical definition, an interpretation or in discerning the shapes and lines that bear witness to some imprint of a figuration.

The exhibition will take place in the framework of the Syros-Culture 2024 programme and will run from 23 July to 4 August 2024.

Opening Night: Tuesday 23 July 2024, at 20:00

Duration: 23 July- 04 August 2024

Opening Times: Daily 20:00 – 22:30(or after scheduled appointment at. 6937-103578)

Venue: “Emmanouil Roidis” Hall, Ermoupolis Cultural Centre


Admissions Free

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