“Sea of Wine”: choose the wine route that suits you
and live an authentic wine tourism experience.
The Laboratory of Agricultural Applications and Agricultural Sociology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, in the framework of the “Sea of Wine” project, has mapped out 13 visitable thematic wine tourism routes in Central Macedonia and Eastern Macedonia and Thrace.
The 13 thematic wine routes in Greece are as follows: “Route of Thessaloniki city break” in the category “Wine and city”, “Route of the Mountains” and “Route of the sea, sun, sand” in the category “Wine and Adventure”, “Route of Xinomavro” in the category “Wine and Indigenous Varieties”, “Wine and Monastic Gastronomy”, “Wine and Silk”, ‘Wine and Arts’, ‘Wine and Bacchus’ and ‘Wine and Olympian Myths’ in the category ‘Wine and Greek Myths’, ‘Route of Aristotle’ and ‘Route of Homer’ in the category ‘Wine Philosophy and Poetry’, ‘Route of the Macedonian Kings’ and ‘Route of the Thrones’ in the category ‘Wine and Kings’.
Each route was drawn through a specific scientific methodology, with field research and with the support of the special technical consultant “Winemakers of Northern Greece” (ENOAVE). The routes are not exclusively oriented geographically but are mainly thematic and based on the connection of the region and the wineries with each theme (storytelling).
On each route, apart from the wineries that can be visited, which form the heart of the route, selected points with a ‘wine friendly profile’, agrotourism guesthouses, local gastronomy-wine events, wine festivals, wine tourism points of interest, wine cellars, as well as overnight accommodation, catering and leisure businesses and tourist agencies with a direct link to wine tourism have been included.
All of the above are stops on each route and will be available, through an ICT platform, to the general public and especially to tourists, sightseers and wine lovers, so that they can follow one of the above routes or create their own authentic wine tourism experience. The ICT platform will be open to visitors from next spring and the information it displays will be promoted throughout the Black Sea.
“The Black Sea Wine Glass Member”: seizing new opportunities
An important action of the project is the establishment of “The Black Sea Wine Glass Member” label, which is expected to enhance the visibility and extroversion of the companies participating in the project activities.
As part of the project, a 20-hour online training seminar entitled “Wine Tourism – Exploiting new opportunities” will be held from Monday 21 to Friday 25 February 2022. The seminar is addressed to professionals of the wine/wine tourism sector, based or operating in the regions of Central Macedonia and Eastern Macedonia-Thrace.
Participation is free of charge. The number of participants is limited and therefore there will be a priority order. The deadline for submitting a registration form is 15/2/2022. More information, the detailed programme and registration form: shorturl.at/eyBX4
“Sea of Wine”
“Sea of Wine” is the title of the Transnational European Territorial Cooperation Programme “Black Sea Basin 2014-2020” in which the Laboratory of Agricultural Applications and Agricultural Sociology of the Department of Agriculture of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki participates. The aim of the project is to highlight the potential of the Black Sea as a wine tourism destination, through a sustainable approach, for the environment, the economy and the local community.
Tel. 2310 997158, 2310 997162, 2310 997157, e-mail:[email protected]
Administration Building ‘K. Karatheodoris’ Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, P.O. Box 541 24, Thessaloniki
@Aristoteleio @auth_university_thessaloniki @Auth_University
Contact Journalists: Scientific coordinator of the project, An. Professor of the Laboratory of Agricultural Applications and Agricultural Sociology of the Department of Agriculture of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Maria Partalidou, tel. 6975568783.
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