The Municipal Water Supply – Sewerage Company of Agia has put into operation for seven months, two photovoltaic parks from which has already produced energy from renewable sources of 2,000 MW.

This power has actually reduced the operating costs of the company to zero for the corresponding period and now all the pumping stations of the Municipality of Agia, as well as all the biological treatment plants operate exclusively with the use of energy from renewable sources.

It is obvious that the Municipal Water Supply Company of Agia quickly proceeded to create infrastructure for self-production of energy, overcoming several obstacles and in this way managed to cope with the ever-increasing energy costs. Although the full deployment of the energy production infrastructure is only seven months old, savings in operating costs of up to 30% over seven years are already being recorded. In short, the Municipal Water Supply Company of Agia, as a self-generator of electricity, is reducing its operating costs to a minimum, for the benefit of the sustainability of the company, of course, but also for the benefit of the citizens it supplies.

This is just one example of how local government can reliably operate as a self-generator of electricity from renewable sources and not as a mere consumer – as the Apollo project envisages! Municipalities and municipal enterprises are pioneers in the green transition and it is a shame that they are relegated to the role of customer of the big energy companies, which is where the Apollo plan places them.

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