The memory of Saint John the Theologian is celebrated on May 7 and 8 by the monastery of Velika in the presence of many pilgrims, residents of the community of Melivoia, the beaches and the wider area.
On Tuesday, May 7 at 6:30 in the afternoon, the Great Solemn Vespers will be chanted after the celebration of the Eucharist.
On Wednesday the 8th of the month, in the morning at 7:30 a.m., there will be the chanting of the Orthros and the solemn Divine Liturgy. The sacred services will be presided over by the rector of the Holy Monastery of the Presentation of the Virgin Mary and St. Panteleimon of Agia, Archimandrite Nicodemus Agathonikos.
After the end of the service there will be a presentation of traditional dances by the dancing section of the Cultural Association “Marinos Antipas” of Omoli and various delicacies will be offered to the attendees, while in specially designed areas the pilgrims bake, eat and feast as the custom requires until late in the afternoon.
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