The project “In memory…” of Katerina Samara unfolds in the foundation of Josef and Esther Gani like the thread of Ariadne from September 25th to October 20th.
Τhe artist, based on life stories and personal items of the foundation’s founders, especially of Esther Gani, creates artworks that narrate the story of the building’s owners while stirring up the collective memory of the locals. Since the events that Esther Gani experienced are part of world history, the title leaves the viewer free to connect the artworks with other people and public figures as well.
Iosif and Esther Gkani Foundation, Soutsou 26 Zip Code: 45444
Duration: 25.09.2023- 20.10.2023
Tel: 26510 36517 – Email: [email protected] – fb:idrymagkani
You Tube: @idrymagani – site: www.idrimagani.gr
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9.00 am έως 14.00 pm- Wednesday 6.00 pm-9.00 pm
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