On Sunday 4 August 2024 at 9 pm the opening of the Iconography Exhibition of the famous painter-illustrator Yorgos Kordis entitled: “I saw laurel trees.- And I saw light…” from the Neomartyrs to the “free besieged” is going to take place in the Historical Archives Museum of Hydra.

The exhibition is co-organized by the Holy Cathedral of Hydra and the GSA/Historical Archives-Museum of Hydra in the framework of the events “THEOMETORICS 2024“.

Yorgos Kordis, painter, illustrator, author and university professor, having studied the Greek artistic tradition and especially and more extensively Byzantine painting, attempts in his works to creatively combine the lessons of this great artistic journey with the conquests of modern, western painting.

The style of his works, although compositionally based on the Greek Byzantine tradition, assimilates in an organic way lessons and conquests of modernism and contemporary art and reaches a unique and powerful original artistic creation.

Holy Cathedral of Hydra – GSA/Historical Archives – Museum of Hydra

Exhibition Duration: 4 – 28 August 2024
Opening Times: 9.00 – 16.00 & 19.30 – 21.30
Opening Night: Sunday, 4 August 2024 at 21:00

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