On the occasion of the Easter Celebration of Saints Cyril and Methodius, Apostles to the Slavs (11 May), in whose memory the Chapel of the Orthodox Academy of Crete is dedicated, the following Holy Masses will be held at the Holy Crusader Monastery of Panagia (Gonia)*:
Friday, 10 May 2023, at 17:30
Great Solemn Vespers of the Celebration after the Liturgy of the Holy Mass.
Saturday, 11 May 2023, at 7:00 – 10:00
Matins and Divine Liturgy.
They are the foremost exponents of the transnational, transracial and ecumenical spirit of Orthodoxy.
The two brothers were distinguished for their excellent scientific training, their admirable knowledge of languages, their high ecclesiastical conduct, their holiness of life and their missionary activity.
*The Holy Services will take place in the upcoming Holy Monastery of Gonia, due to the renovation of the old wing of the Academy, where the Chapel of Saints Cyril and Methodius is located.
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