A tribute to Akis Panou, one of the most important composers and lyricists of Greece, will be performed by the Municipal Choir of Agia “Dim. Tzijileris” on Wednesday, July 12, 2023 at 9:00 pm at the Thalassa Theatr, in Platania, Velika.

A Tribute to Akis Panou
The members of the choir, include the musicians Sdralis Panagiotis – bouzouki, Tsibanoudis Vangelis – keyboards, Magalios Giorgos – drums and
Magalios Spyros – voice and guitar, and they are going to perform the songs of Akis Panou, while the philologist Odysseas Tsintjirakos will talk about his life and work, and texts will be read by the educator Efi Koufou.
Admissions Free.
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