Title: Special Teaching Staff (STS)
Position No: One (1) position
Category: One-year (1) contract with the possibility of renewal and tenure upon evaluation
Location: University of Cyprus, Nicosia
The University of Cyprus invites applications for the position of Special Teaching Staff (STS) in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the School of Engineering.
The successful candidate will be teaching courses in the fields of both Environmental Engineering and Civil Engineering.
Duties and Responsibilities:
The main role of the appointed STS member will be to support the new needs of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) that will be created with the implementation of the new undergraduate program in Environmental Engineering, as well as to support the teaching of basic laboratory courses related to both Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering, under the supervision of the Department’s academic staff.
For the new undergraduate program in Environmental Engineering, it will be essential to develop and support the teaching of the 4th-year courses CEE492 & CEE493 – Integrated Design Project in Environmental Engineering, as well as to support the environmental part of the corresponding courses in the current curriculum, CEE490 & CEE491 – Integrated Design Project.
Indicatively, basic laboratory courses of the CEE Department, in both Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering, include:
- CEE232 – Experimental Strength of Materials,
- CEE 272 – Experimental Fluid Mechanics,
- CEE 253 – Experimental Soil Mechanics,
- CEE 277 – Environmental Biotechnology Laboratory,
- CEE 113 – Surveying, and
- CEE 233 – Structural Materials Laboratory.
Furthermore, it is noted that new needs of the Department for the purposes of the new undergraduate program in Environmental Engineering include, amongst others:
- Connecting the curriculum with professional practice, the industry, professional and other bodies, with the aim to enable the transfer of relevant knowledge and expertise and establish high environmental practices.
2. Organizational academic support as well as actions for the purpose of the local and international promotion of the Department’s programs.
Required Qualifications:
- Holders of a bachelor’s degree in: (a) “Civil Engineering” or “Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering” (joint degree), or, (b) “Environmental Engineering”; applications are also encouraged from holders of a bachelor’s degree in related fields such as (c) Chemical Engineering, Geology, etc.
Candidates with degrees in the above-mentioned areas will be considered, with preference given in order of priority as stated in points “a”, “b”, and “c.”
- Ph.D. in a field of Environmental Engineering.
- “Excellent” knowledge of at least one of the two, Greek and English languages. Where only one of the two required languages is at an “excellent” level, the other must be at a “very good” level.
- Proven teaching experience in as many of the required subjects as possible.
Additional qualifications that may be considered as an advantage for selecting the most suitable candidate:
- Research activity (publications in international scientific journals, presentations at scientific conferences).
- As part of strengthening its internationalization pillar and maintaining a competitive advantage, the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Cyprus encourages applications from candidates who possess knowledge of both required languages (Greek and English) at an “excellent level” as defined above, with additional points awarded accordingly. Further details on the acceptable proof of language proficiency at the “excellent level” can be found on the Public Service Commission’s website at:
- https://www.psc.gov.cy/psc/psc.nsf/page31_gr/page31_gr?OpenDocument.
The approved salary scale for Special Teaching Staff is the combined salary scale A8, A10, and A11. The salary placement is based on the provisions of the current Budget Law and related letters from the Department of Public Administration and Personnel (DPAP) of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Cyprus.
Application Procedure:
Interested parties are invited to submit electronically, among other documents, the following in PDF format, by November 15th 2024, via the following link: https://applications.ucy.ac.cy/recruitment/main
- Letter of Expression of Interest
- Complete CV (including (a) postal address and contact phone number of the candidate (b) names and email addresses of three academic referees from whom confidential reference letters may be requested)
- Copies of academic qualifications
- Samples or references of written/research work
- Copy of ID/passport
The above documents 1-5 must each be uploaded as separate files in PDF format.
The selected candidate will be required to provide certified copies of academic qualifications from the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth (for qualifications from universities in Cyprus) or the Issuing Authority (for qualifications from universities abroad).
Applications that do not include all the necessary documents/requirements, as specified in the online application at the above link, will not be accepted and may be excluded from the evaluation process.
Candidates are responsible for confirming that their electronic application has been successfully submitted. Immediately after submitting the electronic application, candidates will receive an automatic message confirming the successful submission of their application.
For more information, interested parties can contact the Secretariat of the CEE Department of the University of Cyprus at tel. 22892249 or email: [email protected].
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