Title: Teaching Specialist
No. Number of posts: One (1)
Category: Part-time contract (renewable)
Place of employment: Faculty of Engineering, University of Cyprus, Nicosia.
The Interdepartmental Postgraduate Programme “Energy Technologies and Sustainable Design” of the Faculty of Engineering is now accepting applications for the filling of one (1) position of Specialist Teaching Scientist (TS). The position is to cover teaching needs with a part-time fixed-term contract (fixed term with possible employment for the following year). The teaching will be carried out in the context of the Interdepartmental Master’s Programme “Energy Technologies and Sustainable Design” and concerns the course:
“POL 800 – Research Methodology”.
The language of instruction is English.
Please note that this is a part-time job and is for the Fall Semester (15
Please note that the course will be offered for the Academic Year 2022 – 2023 (15 teaching weeks).
Filling the position is subject to the availability of funding.
- Teaching the course under the supervision of a member of the steering committee of the postgraduate program.
- Advising students during office hours for writing papers, supervising and grading examinations and assignments.
- Master’s degree at the doctoral level with a subject matter prepared using Field Experiments, and/or Laboratory Experiments, and/or Computational Simulations, and/or Research by Design research methodology and/or involving social-people-centered approaches.
- Excellent command of English language (written and spoken).
- Very good knowledge of the Greek language (written and spoken).
- Experience of teaching and research in higher education in a relevant subject.
- Academic excellence (books, publications in recognized scientific journals).
The gross remuneration of the Specialists with a Ph.D. degree is €66 per hour, from which employer’s contributions to the various State Funds will be deducted. The average workload for the total 15 weeks of employment will be 4 hours per week (3 hours of teaching and 1 hour of laboratory). Remuneration will be paid monthly.
In the case of other employment in the public or private sector, part-time work permit must be secured prior to the signing of the employment contract to be declared to the HR Department (HRD) of the University of Cyprus.
Candidates need not be citizens of the Republic of Cyprus.
Applicants are kindly requested to submit their application via the website https://applications.ucy.ac.cy/recruitment/mainwith the following documents:
- 1. a letter of expression of interest for the post in question.
- Full curriculum vitae (including contact address and telephone number).
- Copies of diplomas.
- Representative publications.
- Names and contact details of at least two academics from whom references may be sought.
Candidates who meet the requirements will be invited for an interview.
Selected candidates will be asked to provide certified photocopies of diplomas from the Ministry of Education (in case of diplomas from private schools/universities in Cyprus) or from the Issuing Authority (in case of universities abroad).
Applications with all necessary supporting material should not exceed 20 MB in size.
The deadline for submission of applications is Friday, 29 April 2022 at 10.00 a.m. For further information you can either email [email protected] with the subject “Teaching Specialist Positions – 2022-2023” or call +357-22895400.
Course Description
CourseTitle | ResearchMethodology | ||||||
Coursecode | POL800 | ||||||
CourseType | CompulsoryforM.Sc.Students/ElectiveforM.EngStudents | ||||||
Level | Postgraduate | ||||||
Year/Semester | 1st/fallsemester | ||||||
ECTS | 8 | Lectures
(in hours) / perweek |
3 | Laboratory(in hours) /perweek | 1 | ||
CourseObjectives | Objectives:
– Introduction to a critical approach to scientific issues and the role ofresearch. – Developingcommunicationandpresentationskillsofascientificwork. – Familiaritywithbasicresearchmethodsincludingqualitativeandquantitativemethods. – Developing skills in different epistemological approaches to scientificresearchproblems. – Developingskillsinsocialandpeople-centeredapproachestoresearch. |
Learningoutcome | – Upon completion of the course, students will have acquired the basicskills forresearchingscientificproblems, including:
– Abilityforliteraryreview – Ability to critically approach data collection, codification, evaluation anddataanalysis – Ability to critically approach basic methods of qualitative andexperimentalresearch – Ability to have a social and people-centered approach to researchproblems – Ability to choose the appropriate methodology and / or combinemethodological approaches to tackle complex and interdisciplinaryresearchproblems. – Developing critical thinking and ability to evaluate research processesandmethodologiesas totheirpotentialofexploitation. – Abilitytocommunicateandpresentaresearchpaperintheformoforal presentation,posterorevenauthorshipofaresearcharticle. |
Requirements | Co-requirements | ||||||
Coursecontent | – Introduction to Research Methodology (importance and purpose ofscientificresearch,researchapproachesandinterdisciplinarityetc.)(1L)
– Literaturereviewandmethodsofcarryingitout(1L) – Datacollectionmethods andevaluationoftheirquality(1L) – Basic data analysis methods (statistical methods, statistical errordetermination,uncertaintyanalysis)(1L) – FieldResearchDesign(1L) – DesignofLaboratoryExperimentsandexperimentallayouts(1L) – Designofcomputationalexperiments(1L) – ResearchthroughDesign(1L) |
– Socialandhuman-centeredapproachestoresearch(1L)
– EthicalIssuesinResearchandPublications(1L) – Oral presentation and presentation of research projects in poster format(1L) – AuthorshipofArticlesinInternationalJournals(1L) |
Teachingmethodology | LectureandLaboratorywork |
Bibliography | IndicativeBibliography:
– Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches,4thEdition,John W.Creswell – Qualitative Research: A Guide to Design and Implementation 4thEdition,SharanB.Merriam,Elizabeth J.Tisdell – The Research Methods Knowledge Base, 3rdEdition, William M. K. Trochim,JamesP.Donnelly – Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches3rdEdition,John W.Creswell – DoingYourResearchProject(OpenUpStudySkills)5thEdition,JudithBell – IntroducingResearchMethodology:ABeginner’sGuidetoDoingaResearchProject2ndEdition,Uwe Flick – The Essential Guide to Doing Your Research Project 2ndEdition, ZinaO’Leary – Research Methods in Education 7thEdition, Louis Cohen, Lawrence Manion,KeithMorrison – The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research (Sage Handbooks) 4thEdition,NormanK.Denzin(Ed.),YvonnaS.Lincoln(Ed.) – TheFoundationsofSocialResearch:MeaningandPerspectiveinthe ResearchProcess,MichaelJCrotty |
Evaluation | SemesterProject/s(80%)
Projectpresentation(20%) |
Language | English |
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