The Municipality of Athens renews its cultural rendezvous with the citizens and visitors of Athens, with actions in neighbourhoods, squares, open sports venues in the seven municipalities, as well as in the open theatres of Kolonou and Gravas, in the framework of the summer programme entitled “The whole city one stage”. Tributes, concerts and theatrical performances flood Athens with light and music, offering an escape from everyday life and an opportunity for entertainment.
To prepare the programme and in order to support artistic production and people of culture, the Municipality of Athens will include integrated artistic proposals in its programme and is launching an open call for proposals. The cultural events are addressed to all ages, and their duration will be from 17/6 – 31/7.
The deadline for submitting proposals starts on 6 May and ends on 18 May 2022. Proposals can be submitted online at: [email protected].
The evaluation, selection and programming of the proposals submitted will be carried out by the Events and Festivals Committee of the Municipality of Athens and the selection process will be completed on 25 May, when all interested parties will be informed.
For further information and clarifying questions regarding the Open Call, interested parties can contact the same email address: [email protected].
The programme of events resulting from the open call, the exact dates and the way in which they will be held will be determined on the basis of the health measures in force.
All applicable health protocols will be observed at the events.
* The events will be organized in the context of Culture is Athens, of the three-year plan announced by the Municipality of Athens, with the aim of upgrading, highlighting and unifying the cultural fabric of Athens but also the practical support of artists and workers in the culture sector.
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