Twelve calls for expressions of interest for actions involving grants and/or patronage through the Register of Cultural Entities in Contemporary Culture and Modern Cultural Heritage that will be carried out or will start their implementation in 2025, were issued by the Ministry of Culture in the framework of the programmes “Creative Greece – Grants for Contemporary Culture 2025” and Grants “Modern Cultural Heritage 2025”.
“Creative Greece – Contemporary Culture Grants 2025”
- Actions in the field of books, literature and literacy,
- Cultural Actions and Programmes for the promotion of universal accessibility of persons with disabilities to culture,
- Cultural activities and Programmes for Children and Adolescents (up to 18 years old),
- Activities in Visual Arts, Architecture, Photography and Design,
- Activities of Museums, Galleries and Collections,
- Professional Theatre Companies for the purpose of realizing Theatre Productions, Festivals, Tours, Theatre Events,
- Music Performances, Philharmonic Orchestras, Music Festivals, Tours and Music Events,
- Classical and Contemporary Dance Groups for the purpose of realizing Classical and Contemporary Dance Productions, Festivals, Tours, Classical and Contemporary Dance Events,
- Digital Culture actions,
- Multi-thematic Festivals/Activities
“Modern Cultural Heritage 2025” grants
- Actions for the Promotion and Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage,
- Actions of Museums and Collections of Modern Culture
The Calls are addressed to non-profit legal entities under private or public law, with cultural and/or public benefit purposes, in accordance with their statutes. In order to submit their proposal, interested bodies must be registered in the Register of Cultural Bodies of the Ministry of Culture, following the steps to be found here. Entities already registered in the Registry should have updated the Entity Identity Data to ensure that it is correct and complete at the time of submission of the Proposal. Non-registered entities, in order to be registered, must have completed the process by 31/01/2025. The date of registration in the Register of Cultural Entities is exclusively the date of sending the registration declaration to the e-mail: [email protected], and not the date of electronic submission of the Entity’s Identity Card.
Interested parties should submit their proposal online between 02/01/2025 and 15/02/2025. For any problem regarding the electronic submission of the grant proposal, they should send an e-mail to [email protected] or contact the phone numbers of the Directorate of Cultural Activities and Supervision (210 8201957, -956, -766, -962, -782, -704, -772, -787, -781, -925, -712, -718).
The call for applications for grants and/or patronage for film and audiovisual actions, as well as film festivals, which will take place or their implementation will start during 2025, will be issued by EKKOMED.
More information on the classifications and the conditions required in each category: portal.culture.gov.gr
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