We would like to inform you about the open call for proposals of the Green Fund, which aims to support the implementation of research projects and actions in the field of environment and in particular in the areas related to the Thematic Fields:
1: Natural environment and biodiversity
2: Circular economy and environmental pollution
3: Climate change mitigation and adaptation to climate change
Climate Change, Climate Change and Adaptation to Climate Change with a deadline for submission of 20 May 2022.
The Green Fund will finance per project expenditure up to the amount of €200,000, including VAT, and a maximum of 10 proposals will be selected in total. The call is for projects with a duration of 24 months. Based on the restrictions set out in the call, the University of Patras may participate either as a coordinating beneficiary or as a co-beneficiary: in TWO proposals per Faculty, with the exception of the Faculty of Science which may participate in ONE proposal, as a project already implemented in a FP Programme is already underway.
Interested parties are invited to send to [email protected] by Monday 11.04.2022, their expression of interest to participate accompanied by a short description of the proposed research project and a short CV of the Scientific Director. The requests and the selection of the final beneficiary for proposal submission per School, taking into account the limitations of the call, will be considered by the respective Dean’s Office. Requests submitted by the above deadline or already submitted, will be forwarded to the Deaneries under the responsibility of the Hellenic Research Foundation.
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