The ancient comedy returns at 9.30 pm on Friday 13 September at the Municipal Summer Theatre for the International Festival of Patras with Aristophanes’ “The Birds“.

A superb comedy directed by Aris Biniaris in which although the plot is fictional, the theme is real and essential as the “Birds” present a new beginning, which must be made outside human society, away from saturation, decadence and corruption.

With human civilization having reached a limiting moment, the flight of birds seems like a ritual of initiation and reconnection between man and the natural world and the unprecedented power that comes from this relationship.

Odysseas Papaspiliopoulos and Giorgos Chrysostomou in the roles of Pisthetaerus and Euelpides, along with a host of excellent actors: Michalis Valassoglou, Stelios Iakovidis, Thanasis Isidorou, Tasos Korkos, Kostas Koroneos, Sofia Koulera, Augustinos Koumoulos, Maria Kyrozi, Errikos Miliaris, Marios Panagiotou, Kyriakos Salis, Alexia Sapranidou, Konstantina Takalou, Irini Tsellou, will “found” on stage their own ideal state in the ether far from humans.

Aris Biniaris exploits the element of ritual in order to highlight the allegorical implications of the Aristophanic work, while the music and movement place the human condition, transformation and the restoration of a cosmic justice at the centre of the performance.

Translated by: Tasos Roussos,  Director: Aris Biniaris, Adaptation: Elena Triantafyllopoulou- Aris Biniaris, Costume-Set Design: Paris Mexis, Music by: Αlexandros Drakos Ktistakis,
Choreography: Alexandros Vardaxoglou, Lighting Design: Vangelis Mountrichas, Chorus Masks: Dimitra Kaisari, First Assistant Director: Nefeli Papanastasopoulou


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