The parody of chivalric novels, with its rich creative imagination and good humour, “DON QUIXOTE“, opens at 9.30 on Sunday evening, June 16, in the atrium of the Old Slaughterhouses, the section of the Amateur Theatre Festival which is under the auspices of the International Festival of Patras.

The performance, staged as a comedy or as a musical (the spectator decides), based on an excellent text by Stratis Paschalis and lyrics by Michalis Gkanas, is staged by the “Polyphoniki” Adult Theatre Workshop in Adaptation-Teaching-Direction by Athina Kallimani-Georgitsopoulou.

Friends of amateur theatrical expression and creation will watch a performance that symbolizes a journey between reality and imagination, which is what enchants the viewer.

Cervantes’ hero provokes the imagination as the knight with the sad expression, together with his faithful servant Sancho Pancha, bring to the fore the always topical message and demand for the ideals of justice and beyond.

The play is addressed to young and old, with a troupe of 29 people on stage (actors and musicians), with imaginative costumes, original constructions, live music and accessibility for the deaf/hard of hearing.

The admission is free

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