Twenty years since their first appearance, Aris and Lakis Jonas (the Callas) occupy -1 of the roof with a hallucinogenic exhibition watered by Mediterranean psychedelia.
With an exhibition-psychedelic spell in the past, the now and the future of the Greek art and music scene, the Callas celebrate their 20 years of creation, occupying -1 of the Onassis Cultural Center and presenting new work with their pop-folk embroideries and weaves, sculptures and installations of cut marbles of the old pavements of Athens, paintings with working-class Madonnas, coffeeshop-DIY Parthenons, film screenings and happenings, as well as collaborations with guest contributors from Athens foreign, but also the domestic scene: by Ian F. Svenonius on PapithedogTV.
A polymorphic, kaleidoscopic, art exhibition by the Callas / Lakis and Aris Ionas, with embroidery, installations, paintings, live performance and book publication, at -1 Onassis Stegi.
Band, visual duo, and, of course, brothers –in life and on stage–, always work together and always with their friends, from Greece and abroad, and their relatives. The weavers-embroiderers of their “flying carpets” are none other than their mother and aunt. Callasettes are none other than the women they have by their side – as companions, partners and friends. Their polymorphic work has been presented in New York, London and Paris as well as in Athens, Hydra but also in their village right across – in Thermisia Peloponnese. There, in their ancestral estate, they organize Bacchic community artistic gigs, such as the recent 24 – hour art event-precursor for the current exhibition, which they set up on June 21, 2022, with the support of Onassis Culture.
Dates 26.11 -30.12.2022
Free entrance tickets with entrance tickets
Days: Wednesday-Sunday
Time: 18.00 – 23.00
Space at -1 of Stegi
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