The Municipality of Chania in the context of the development of its Children’s – Teenage Choir starts a pilot program of vocal and choral practice for children aged 5-9 years old. The programme will last 9 months during the school year 2024-25 and will include the following 3 periods:
- Οctober-December
- January- March and
- April- June.
Every child will have the opportunity to attend one course cycle, i.e. one term, with a maximum of 30 children per term. During the course, children will have the opportunity to experience vocal and choral practice through selected activities and songs, adapted to their age level.
The programme will take place at the Dimitris Vlisidis Theatre every Saturday, from 14.00 to 14.45 (first Saturday 5 October). Registration for the first season will begin on September 23, at the Big Arsenal, Monday to Friday: 8:30 – 14:00.
For more information, interested parties can contact 2821341613.
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