Title: MSc Environmental Engineering and Science
Scientific Discipline:
Environmental engineering, technology and science
Democritus University of Thrace
Greek, English
3 semesters (full-time).
For more information you can visit the website:
The Department of Environmental Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering of the Democritus University of Thrace runs a postgraduate program (fully on-line) entitled: “Environmental Engineering and Science”. The official languages of the MSc are Greek and English. The MSc has been operating since 2009 and may accept up to 40 postgraduate students, who must be graduates of Engineering Departments, Deparments of Science, Schools of Environment and Ecology and the Agricultural Schools of Hellenic Universities or recognized international academic institutions, as well as graduates of departments of Higher Educational Technological Institutes of related subjects. The MSc is recognized by the Supreme Council for Personnel Selection (ASEP), in subjects related to environmental technology, engineering and science, and will soon be certified, as required by L. 4957/2022.
The objective of the MSc “Environmental Engineering and Science” is to offer postgraduate studies on environmental engineering, technology and science topics. The specific objectives of the MSc are to:
- Provide interdisciplinary knowledge and technical skills in Environmental Engineering and Science.
- Create specialized scientific potential in the three specialized areas of the postgraduate program.
- Promote scientific research in the field of Environmental Engineering and science, in accordance with international standards.
The program leads to a Master of Science Degree in “Environmental Engineering and Science” on the following three disciplines:
- Climate change, renewable energy and energy design of buildings and infrastructures,
- Waste management and engineering,
- New technologies in water resource management.
The duration of the studies in this MSc, which leads to a Master of Science (M.Sc.) Degree, is a minimum of three (3) academic semesters. Students need to: a) successfully pass eight (8) modules offered in the first two semesters, that are selected from a total of 22 elective modules, b) attend a seminar and c) prepare and write a Postgraduate Thesis during the third semester of their studies. All above are delivered 100% on-line. The total ECTS offered by the MSc is 90, that are equally distributed over the 3 semesters of study.
The teaching staff comprises faculty members of the Department of Environmental Engineering, who are all specialized in the disciplines of the MSc. Also, a few educators are specialized Postdoctoral students or external faculty members (e.g. Technical University of Crete).
The enrollment fees in this postgraduate program are 2,250€ (750€ per semester), while there is a possibility to exempt students from those fees based on financial criteria and criteria of excellence as specified by the Hellenic Law 4957/2022.
Graduates of the MSc will be able to be employed in the public and private sector or work as freelance professionals in issues that require knowledge in the research and management of the environmental protection field.
The modules are taught fully on-line (use of Microsoft Teams) from Monday to Friday during the hours 17:00 – 21: 00(Greek time – UTC+2h), while the final exams are also carried out on-line. The two outstanding students during the first two semesters of study (when registered students are greater than 30) are exempt from the payment of the study fees of the 3rd semester.
More information about the MSc (courses, teachers, etc.) can be found here: https://pmemaster.env.duth.gr/english while information about the Department of Environmental Engineering, which organizes this MSc, can be found at: https://env.duth.gr/en/home
Stamatis Zoras
Associate Professor
Director of M.Sc.
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