Title: MSc in Terrestrial natural Ecosystems’ Restoration and Conservation (TECR)


Scientific Discipline:

Democritus University of Thrace

Language of Instruction:

2 semesters

For more information you can visit the website:



Main Aim of the course

-Perception of terrestrial natural ecosystems structure and function, the need of biodiversity conservation and protection, the effect of climatic change and the effect of human activities upon terrestrial ecosystems

– Use of modern methods and practices on monitoring and documenting of terrestrial natural ecosystems.

– Selection of the best management practises and restoration, assessment of restoration systems upon degraded ecosystems.

Accepted Students

Graduates with degree of the following:

  • University degree of Natural and Technological Sciences, Health, and life sciences.
  • Technical education institutes degree of Natural and Technological Sciences, Health, and life sciences.
  • Graduates from acknowledged foreign respective Universities and technical institutes.

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