Scientific disciplines:
Environmental Sciences
University of Thessaly
Greek (lectures can also be held in English or French)
Two (2) academic semesters with a minimum duration of 1 (one) calendar year, which includes the time required for the elaboration of a diploma thesis
Application dates:
1st period: June – July
2nd period: August – September
(the second application period opens only if there are remaining places not filled by the first application period)
For more information you may visit the websites:
“Education for Sustainability and the Environment” is a new, interdepartmental postgraduate program created as part of an innovative initiative to address the lack of properly trained teachers and education staff, able to meet the academic and practical challenges of disseminating the principles of sustainability.
The Program was founded by the Department of Agriculture, Ichthyology and Aquatic Environment in collaboration with the Department of Special Education of the University of Thessaly and is based in Volos.
The program’s main objectives are: a) The specialization and qualification of scientists in educational, research and development strategies for the sustainable management of the environment and the dissemination of sustainability. b) To inform the students on the transition from environmental education to education for sustainable development. c) To further illuminate the concept of sustainable development
The Program primarily aims to enhance the career opportunities of teachers, educators, environmental policy makers and those who wish to work or are active in relevant scientific areas.
The Program’s graduates will be able to: a) work at educational institutions, b) work in environmental centers, private sector organizations, non-governmental organizations, the media, local government and other public sector services regarding issues of environmental policy, education, awareness and promotion of the concept and practices of sustainable development and c) to continue their studies for a PhD, both at the University of Thessaly and other universities in the country, as well as at universities abroad.
The innovative Curriculum of the Program is designed to provide the latest knowledge on ecosystem management, the relationship between the economy and sustainability, the effects of economic development on the well-being of citizens (global injustice), environmental values and how society treats the environment, and particular subjects related to sustainability education. Students will also be taught about pedagogical approaches for the dissemination of sustainability, and how to utilize new technologies in sustainability education.
By decision of the Senate of the University of Thessaly, the Program provides a certification of Pedagogical and Teaching Adequacy to its graduates (Government Gazette 5781 / 30-12-2020).
The Program accepts graduates of Higher Education Institutions of Academic Departments of the country and recognized foreign Institutions of an educational level equivalent to that of Greek higher‐education establishments. Classes are held on non-working days and hours, while part of them are held remotely. The curriculum includes lectures and workshops, educational visits to environmental education institutions and participation in a summer school. Lastly, open workshops, conferences and public awareness actions for the protection of the environment are organized in the framework of the Program.
Tuition fees: 2500 euros (scholarships are given)
For further information, please contact: [email protected] and tel. 24210-93174
Picture: courtesy of N. Terpsiadis – Math Club, Experimental Junior High School of the University of Macedonia
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