Title: Inter-institutional postgraduate program Marine Science &Technology Management
Sicientific Disciplines:
Administration, Economics, and Management
in Marine Science and Technology
University of Piraeus/ Department of Maritime Studies
Hellenic Naval Academy
3 semesters
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The University of Piraeus and the Hellenic Naval Academy, the two institutions with the longest tradition in the field of shipping, jointly organize the Inter-institutional Postgraduate Programme «Marine Science & Technology Management”
The Program offers the following specializations:
(a) «Management and Economics in Marine Science»
(b) «Management in Naval Technology»
The title is awarded jointly by the Department of Maritime Studies, School of Shipping and Industry, University of Piraeus and the Department of Marine Sciences of the Hellenic Naval Academy.
The Programme aims to provide graduates with theoretical, practical, analytical and synthetic knowledge and skills at postgraduate level in the fields of Administration, Economics and Management in Marine Science and Technology in order to understand, manage and decide on critical administrative, financial, technical and economical issues in the operation of maritime businesses and activities. The Programme combines economic, managerial and especially technological-technical training in the academic and practical subjects of the Programme that it treats.
Upon successful completion of the programme, students will have advanced knowledge at postgraduate level in maritime economics, statistical data analysis, risk analysis and information systems in shipping, maritime business management, supply chain and port management, navigation and telecommunication systems, ship management and energy saving, organisation and management of maintenance procedures in shipping. Students acquire synthetic skills in these subjects both at the theoretical level of understanding their framework and methodologies and at the level of implementation and operational use.
The programme is supported by an External Advisory Board consisting of distinguished personalities from academia and the business world, with the aim of linking the programme with shipping institutions and organisations: https://dinet.unipi.gr/symvouleutiki-epitropi/
The Programme is addressed to graduates of the first cycle of studies of the University and Technological Sector of the Schools of Economics, Science and Technology, Business Administration of the Greek State (equivalent Higher Education Schools are legally included) or similar institutions abroad, as well as graduates of the Higher Military Educational Institutions, the School of Cadet Midshipmen of the Coast Guard – Greek Coast Guard and the corresponding and equivalent Military Schools abroad. Graduates of Higher Security Corps Schools and graduates of Merchant Navy Academies.
The duration of study in the Programme leading to the award of the Diploma of Postgraduate Studies is defined as three (3) semesters of full-time enrollment.
The registration fee for the 4th cycle of studies is set at 2.400 Euro.
Those interested may express their interest through the programme’s website or by sending a completed application form by e-mail ([email protected] and [email protected]). For further information, interested parties may contact Ms Dora Giannopoulou at 2104581309 or the central secretariat at 210 4142397, 210 4142075.
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