The Hellenic Open University has been operating for 25 years with the focus on “openness”, the education of minors and remote education.
Of the 2500 lecturers, the vast majority are not permanent staff, giving the HOU the freedom to choose to work with the most recognized professors in each field, evaluating their teaching and research work and their scientific competence.
Although in its first years of operation, the HOU was a “second chance” university, it is now the first choice for thousands of students. Among the characteristics of the HOU is the experience it has now developed in distance education and the cooperation with other Greek and foreign universities, offering expertise and further education.
Extroversion has been at the core of the Open University’s operations since the very beginning. The EAP systematically maintains partnerships with Open Universities abroad, leading the implementation of the European Open University Alliance. The Alliance is an initiative of the OpenEU Alliance and includes eight of Europe’s leading open and distance learning universities and two conventional universities from Eastern Europe. Supported by the European Commission through the European Universities Initiative, this pioneering project involves 27 academic and non-academic institutions. Its completion will open up multiple opportunities for international mobility, new career prospects and international research. The first decisive steps for the launch of the project were taken at the meeting of the rectors of the universities with the presence of the Rector of the Hellenic Open University, Professor Manolis Koutouzis.
The OpenEU Alliance consists of 14 universities, 10 of which are direct beneficiaries of European funding. Members include Universitat Oberta de Catalunya – UOC (Spain), , National University of Distance Education – UNED (Spain), Open University of the Netherlands (Netherlands), FernUniversität in Hagen (Germany), Open University of Cyprus, Hellenic Open University, Bifröst University (Iceland), St Cyril and St Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgaria) and Daugavpils University (Latvia).
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