The graduation ceremony (July 2) of the 3rd cohort of students of the Inter-Institutional Postgraduate Programme “Marine Science and Technology Management” offered by the Department of Maritime Studies-University of Piraeus of University of Piraeus and Hellenic Naval Academy (HNA) was succesfully performed.
The ceremony, which took place in the gardens of the Hellenic Naval Academy, was attended by the Administrations of the University of Piraeus and the Hellenic Naval Academy, the academic staff of the two institutions and numerous representatives of the wider academic, maritime and naval community, the local government, as well as many relatives and friends of the graduates.
During the ceremony, the prize of Spectrumlabs S.A., which corresponds to the total tuition fees of the Programme, and the prizes awarded by the Programme to four graduates who excelled, which correspond to 50% of the Programme tuition fees, were granted to the graduates who excelled.
In addition, a total of five scholarships were awarded to students of the 4th cycle of studies ( which are granted on the basis of academic and social criteria by the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation and the shipping companies Seanergy Maritime Holdings Corp (two scholarships) and SPECTRUMLABS S.A. (two scholarships).
The award was presented by the representatives of the three institutions.
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