First deadline for applications: 10 July 2023
Second deadline for applications: 2 October 2023
The courses are implemented with 100% distance learning (90% synchronous, up to 10% asynchronous) in accordance with Law 4957/2022 (articles 67, 88).
The MSc is recognised by the ASEP for many specialisations and is included in calls for applications related to environmental issues.
The Department of Environmental Engineering of the Democritus University of Thrace organizes and operates during the academic year 2023-2024 (for the 14th year) a Postgraduate Studies Programme (MSc) of three (3) semesters duration in the subject area of
Environmental Engineering and Science
A maximum of forty (40) Postgraduate Students are to be admitted to the Programme, who should be graduates of the Faculties of Engineering, Science, Environment and Ecology and Agriculture of the National Universities or recognised similar institutions abroad, as well as graduates of the Departments of the Higher Education Institutions of Technology (ATEI) of a related subject, in accordance with the provisions in force.
The MSc awards a Diploma of Postgraduate Studies with the title “Environmental Engineering and Science” with the following specializations:
(1) Climate change, renewable energy and energy design of buildings and settlements,
(2) Waste Technology and Waste Management,
(3) New Technologies in Water Resources Management.
For the award of the MSc it is required:
(a) successful completion of eight (8) courses,
b) attendance of the Distance Learning Seminar; and
c) the preparation and writing of the Master’s Thesis, which is carried out during the third semester of study. The topic of the Master’s thesis shall be assigned to the postgraduate students by the beginning of the third semester of study.
For the convenience of employees, classes will be held every Monday to Friday from 15:00 to 21:00 and every Saturday from 9:00 onwards, with 100% distance learning.
A prerequisite for enrolment is the payment of tuition fees of 750 € per semester for the first three semesters of study, which are non-refundable in case of interruption of the MSc. Exemption from tuition fees is possible, according to article 86 of Law 4957/2022 (Government Gazette A’ 141, 21-7-2022), which defines the financial, social and excellence criteria (basic degree grade equal to or higher than 7.5). Exempt students will not exceed 30% of the total number of students admitted to the MSc.
Applicants are invited to submit the following documents electronically. Each document will be a separate pdf file:
1. Application to the Secretariat of the Department of Environmental Engineering, by filling in the corresponding word file from the MSc website (application-2023-2024).
2. Copy of Diploma-Degree. Attention: if candidates are expected to graduate within the next examination period of the call and there are outstanding courses or the thesis/dissertation, an affidavit that the degree is to be obtained no later than the September examination period must be submitted and will be submitted thereafter.
3. A certificate of analytical marks.
4. A complete curriculum vitae in electronic format.
5. Diploma documenting a good knowledge of at least one foreign language (level B2 and above), preferably English.
6. A photocopy of your identity card.
7. A declaration of the Law 1599/86: (1) for the authenticity of the submitted documents and (2) that they are not enrolled in another Postgraduate Programme.
All the above documents must be submitted by e-mail to the address of the secretariat of the Department of Environmental Engineering [email protected] as attached pdf files. The subject of the message should state: Application for the MSc in Environmental Engineering and Science.
Two letters of recommendation in electronic format are also required, to be sent by the authors directly to [email protected]. The subject of the message should state: Letter of recommendation for the name of the candidate for the MSc ‘Environmental Engineering and Science’. The corresponding word file to be filled in is available on the website of the MSc (letter of recommendation-2023-2024).
The first deadline for submission is Monday 10 July 2023. After this deadline, applications will be assessed and, if there are any vacancies, they will be filled in the next deadline, which will be Monday 2 October 2023, with the start of the course scheduled for the second half of October 2023.
The evaluation criteria are the average grade point average of the degree, the relevance of the undergraduate thesis to the subject of the MSc, possible publications in scientific conference proceedings, possible publications in scientific journals and relevant professional experience.
The Department of Environmental Engineering reserves the right not to offer a course or not to operate a specialisation of the MSc if there are serious reasons, such as when the number of registered postgraduate students in a course is equal to or less than two (2). In all other cases, the courses will be taught.
The call for expressions of interest is subject to the adoption of relevant decisions by the competent body.
Additional information on the curriculum and the operation of the MSc is displayed on the MSc website (pmemaster.env.duth.gr). Additional information is available from the Director of the Postgraduate Studies Programme, Professor Dimitrios Komilis, via email at [email protected] or at 697-4453554 (or alternatively from the MSc Secretariat, Athanasia Averopoulou 698-6651261).
Please note that the MSc is accredited by the ASEP in subjects related to environmental issues and environmental technologies.
Information material is available at https://pmemaster.env.duth.gr/και on the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pmexanthi
The President of the Department of Environmental Engineering
Prof. S. Dougias
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