Title: MA in New Media Communication and Digital Marketing
Scientific Disciplines:
Digital Marketing
Ionian University
3 semesters
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The Department of Digital Media and Communication of the Faculty of Information Science and Informatics of the Ionian University offers a postgraduate study Program entitled “New Media Communication and Digital Marketing”.
The postgraduate study program “New Media Communication and Digital Marketing” aims at providing specialized knowledge and developing competencies in the use of Digital Media for Communication and Marketing. The program‘s objective is to provide postgraduate students with the knowledge necessary to deepen their understanding of specialized issues in the science of Communication and Marketing and to develop high-level scientific thinking with a professional and research orientation. The program is addressed both to employees of the public and private sector who wish to acquire specialized knowledge in new communication media and digital marketing as well as to graduates of higher education institutions who wish to continue their studies at postgraduate level in the fields of Communication and Digital Media. The postgraduate study program is open to holders of a first cycle degree from Higher Educational Institutions of Greece (Universities, Technological Educational Institutions) or equivalent institutions from abroad in accordance with current legislation. The duration of studies for completion of the postgraduate study program, is set at three (3) academic semesters. The postgraduate study program awards a Master’s Degree in “New Media and Digital Marketing”.
In order to obtain the degree, students are required:
– to attend and complete successfully ten (10) Course Modules [five (5) in the first semester of study and five (5) in the second semester of study].
– take over, prepare and successfully complete a research project assignment, leading to the Master’s Thesis in the third semester.
The teaching of the courses is carried out by distance learning methods. In addition, during the first and second semester a one (1) week intensive course is offered in hybrid mode (in-person and remotely) twice in each semester. The students are required to attend at least 75% of the teaching hours of each course.
The tuition fees for the program are fixed to 2.500,00 Euros, amounting for the full period of study. Payment in installments is provided.
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