The Department of Civil Engineering of the University of West Attica organizes from the academic year 2017-2018 an independent Postgraduate Programme of Studies (M.Sc.), entitled “Architectural and Structural Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings and Complexes” and two directions,  Αrchitecture and Structural Mechanics, which leads to the award of a recognised Diploma of Postgraduate Studies. The regular duration of studies is set at three (3) semesters. For the award of the MSc degree, the successful completion of eight (8) courses in two (2) semesters, the attendance of two seminars and the preparation of the Master’s Thesis in the third (3rd) semester are required. The language of instruction is Greek.

The programme is open to graduates of higher education institutions (Universities, TEIs, etc.) of the domestic territory or similar recognized institutions abroad, who wish to acquire scientific specialization in the broader cognitive area of the MSc and come from Faculties and Departments of Polytechnics, Engineering Schools of Universities, Engineering Departments of Technical Universities, Departments of Engineering ASPAITE, Departments of History – Archaeology of University Faculties of Philosophy or other university departments of scientific fields and specialisations which – if applicable – may be considered as relevant.

From the announcement of this Call for Expressions of Interest until 20 July 2024, interested parties are invited to send the following documents via email at

For the selection of postgraduate students, the diploma degree, the grades in the undergraduate courses relevant to the courses of the MSc will be taken into account, performance in undergraduate and postgraduate dissertations, research and scientific activity in general, teaching experience, good knowledge of a foreign language (with emphasis on the most widely spoken languages in the EU – English, French, German, Italian, Spanish), certification of knowledge of the Greek language (for foreign candidates) and any references as well as an interview of the candidates. Candidates will be called for an interview in due time and after being notified by e-mail in due time.

The programme may be conducted by means of e-learning in accordance with the terms of the legislation.

You may seek more information at 6932-714215, 6984-991363 or at , and

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