Exhibition of historical photography entitled “1922. Greece Welcomes Armenian Refugees” on the Armenian refugee settlement in Greece will be hosted by the Municipal Gallery of Nice – St. I. Rentis “Dinos Katsafanas” (32 Raidestou Street) from 14 September to 20 November as part of the commemorative events for the 100th anniversary of the Asia Minor Catastrophe. The exhibition is co-organized by the Municipality of Nice – St. I. Rentis and the magazine “Armenian” and the opening will take place on Wednesday, September 14 at 7 pm, the day Smyrna surrendered to the flames and the internationally renowned Greek-Armenian composer MiranChalikian will talk about the Armenian musical tradition. During the exhibition there will be guided tours for the public and educational programmes for school groups with free admission.

Αρμενική συνοικία της Σμύρνης «Χαϊνότς». Καρτ ποστάλ, αρχές του 20ού αιώνα.
The exhibition includes 130 photographs covering mainly the period 1922-1940, as well as publications and newspapers from the early 20th century. Starting from the prosperous Armenian community of Smyrna and the pre-1922 Greek-Armenian community, it documents the arrival of Armenian refugees in Greece and the dramatic circumstances of their first settlement. This is followed by the organization of local communities, the establishment of orphanages, churches and schools, the development of culture and sports. Much emphasis is placed on education and the role of orphanages as vocational training centres. The visitor will also be interested in snapshots of everyday life, representations of professions, theatre and music groups, sporting events and group portraits of intellectuals, writers and spiritual figures of the Armenian community in general.

Παιχνίδι στο διάλειμμα του σχολείου της Αρμενικής Ευαγγελικής Εκκλησίας στο Δουργούτι το 1924.
32 Rydestou Street, Nice
Tel.: 210 4913588
Opening: Wednesday 14 September, 7 p.m.
Exhibition duration: 14 September – 20 November 2022
Opening hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday 10:00-14:00, Thursday 17:00-20:00
Friday 28 October the exhibition will be closed.
210 4913588, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 09:00-13:00
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