ESTIA Neas Smyrnis, celebrating the anniversary of the National War of Independence, presents the speech of the Journalist – Author
κ. Karolos Moraitis on the topESTIA Neas Smyrnis, celebrating the anniversary of the National War of Independence, presents the speech of the Journalist – Author
κ. Karolos Moraitis on the topic:

Athens – Messolonghi: Two milestones in the life and work of Lord Byron

– The President of the Association of Messolonghians of Attica will address the event
“The Holy City” Mr. Efstathios Tsekouras.

– The short story entitled
“The Exit” by Yannis Vlachogiannis by the Honorary Vice President of ESTIA
Mrs Themida Papadopoulou.

Follow the event on live streaming:

Megaron Estia Neas Smyrnis,
“Panos Haldezos» Hall, 2nd floor
Konstantinou Paleologou 1, 171 21
Nea Smyrni , Tel. 210 9333 702 – 210 9330 274,
Fax: 210 9333694
[email protected]

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