In the areas where we grew up, either inside or outside Athens, places of memory are not only the squares with statues or areas where important battles were fought. Places of memory are (or should be) primarily the schools we went to, which in many ways defined our lives. For this reason, the upcoming meeting will pay tribute to one of the most emblematic schools that operated in the wider Patission area, the “Athinaikon Lykeion A.G. Tyhopoulos” from 1934 until the early 1980s.
Through the speeches of Mrs Dimitra Tyhopoulos and Mr Andreas Tyhopoulos, we will follow the history of the school itself and the history of the family of its founder, Avxentios Tyhopoulos.
Live at the Archives, Mythimnis 36, America Square, 112-52, and through ZOOM.
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Passcode: 972078
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