Title: Plato. A guide: Life-Work-influence
Authors: Christoph Horn,Jörn Müller,Joachim Söder (translated in Greek by Leonidas Karatzas)
Publisher: University Studio Press
Subject: Philosophy
Year: 2023
Pages: 882
Τechnical Features: 21Χ29
The volume is a valuable handbook and a unique in Greek literature comprehensive guide to Plato’s life and work, but also to his influence on later philosophical thought up to the present day. Written by a multitude of expert scholars, it offers a thorough and penetrating survey of all the fields of Plato’s thought (Ontology, Logic, Gnosticism, Psychology, Ethics and Political Philosophy, Cosmology, Theology, Pedagogy, Aesthetics, etc. He integrates it precisely into its historical-philosophical context, analyses in depth all the fundamental concepts of his teaching, and takes into account not only the philosophical but also the special literary weight of Plato’s work. The bibliographical information surrounding each specific topic is impeccably selected and completely up-to-date. The book fills an important gap in the Greek-language field, and constitutes an essential and handy tool for all those interested in some of the multiple aspects of Plato’s leading work. A significant part of the philosopher’s original works has been added to the Greek edition in order to give the reader access to his most representative texts (Euthyphro, Apology , Lysis, Meno, Phaedο, Phaedrus, Symposium, Republic, Theaetetus, Timaeus, Letter VII).
• Maria Liatsis is Professor of Ancient Greek Literature at the Department of Philology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
The book launch will take place on Friday, 16/01, at the KEDEA Amphitheatre of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
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