The Mayor of Agia Antonis Gountaras, invited by the Mayor of Dropolis to the event organized by the Embassy of Greece in Tirana and the Consulate General of Greece in Argyrokastro, participated in the events to pay tribute to the Heroes of the War of 1940 in Vouliarates of the Municipality of Dropolis in Northern Epirus.
The Mayor of Agia laid a wreath at the memorial of the fallen Greek soldiers of the Albanian front, expressing his emotion and pride for the heroic Hellenes who fought in the mountains of Albania.
Also present at the event were the Secretary General of Hellenism Abroad and Greek Diplomacy Myra Myrogianni, who represented the Greek Government, the Ambassador of Greece to Albania Konstantina Kamitsi, Consul General of Greece in Argyrokastro Socrates Sourvinos, the Governor of Argyrokastro, Odise Kote, as representative of the Albanian Government, mayors from Albania and political representatives from both countries.
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