Αvarts Group:

The Avarts group was created in 2022 and consists of students of the Master’s Department “Audiovisual Arts in the Digital Age” of the Ionian University, in collaboration with the faculty of the department. The aim is the production of artistic work, the friction with contemporary media and the creation of a new concept, which brings to the fore the community as a field of communication and interaction between artists.

Coordinated by :

Konstantinos Tiligadis, Pasipoularidou Parecia


“Filter Bubbles”

Algorithmic biases that limit or distort the information received by the internet user are likened to filter bubbles¹ in which he or she “lives”. The choices, attitudes, behaviours, prejudices and, in general, one’s attitude to life are interwoven with the ‘filter bubble’ created by one’s voluntary or involuntary choices. Filter bubbles often lead modern man to alienation, as they increase the lack of common emotional and cognitive places between individuals. The certainties that have become entrenched in the mind of one are the doubts that pervade the mind of another. In modern societies, filter bubbles also contribute to the spread of moral panic², which causes separation between groups of people and favours social control. The AVARTS group with the project “Filter Bubbles” aspires to raise critical reflection on the extent of the responsibility attributed to algorithms and technology in shaping these “isolation bubbles”. Moreover, through the artistic process, it aims to weaken the positive feedback loops that gigantize imperfect information, foster fear and undermine creativity.

¹ A bubble filter is an algorithmic bias that distorts or restricts the information an individual user sees on the internet. Bias is caused by the weighted algorithms used by search engines, social networking sites and marketers to personalize the user experience (UX).

² Moral panic is a widespread fear, often irrational, that someone or something is threatening the values, security and interests of a community or society in general.

Participating Artists:

Vassilis Alexandrou, Mandy Albani, Myrto Apostolou, Fani Arapi, Maria Lemoni Theodorou Konstantina Kaika, Marina Kappou, Maria Krigka, Pegky Komvotea, Despina Kavallari, Charis Marini, Kontantia Makri, Eleni Mitrouska, Agatha Migkiou, Alexandros Monokandylos, Sofi  Moutafi, Yannis Papadakis, Parecia Pasipoularidou ,Marinos Pavlidis, Nektarios Pachiadakis, Vivi Peryssinaki, Dimitra Politi ,Fotis Raftopoulos, Dora Siafla, Stefanos Simitsis, Christina Sfakianaki, Ioanna Tzaba, Palla Tzelina, Konstantinos Tiligadis, Zefi Tiftiktsoglou, Konstantinos Tsioutas.

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