On Saturday 28 September 2024, in the “Irene Katsigra” hall of the Municipal Gallery of Larissa – Museum G. I. Katsigra, will inaugurate the exhibition-tribute of the internationally renowned sculptor Filolaos, who comes from Larissa and lived and worked artistically in France.

The exhibition includes works from all periods of the artist’s artistic production, both his public sculpture and large-scale monumental works, as well as his sculptural compositions with industrial materials such as washed concrete and stainless steel, and smaller-scale works from his workshop, constructions in clay, wood, iron or stainless steel. Also on display will be his characteristic works in clay and wood, the famous “Gogotos”, animal-like creatures of myth and works depicting seascapes which he composed out of wood melted by the sea, models and works in iron and stainless steel, utilitarian objects of everyday life – bottles, mugs, chairs, etc., jewellery.

According to Philolaos, art “ought to permeate life and serve it”, a philosophy that reflects and distinguishes all his work.

In 2005, the French government honored Philolaus for all his work by making him an Officer of the Order of Arts and Letters, the French Academy of Architecture honored him with the Medal of Plastic Arts and awarded him the first prize for the best monumental outdoor sculpture, In 2003, the Valence reservoirs, the sculptor’s iconic 60-metre-high composition, was inscribed on the World Heritage List.

The exhibition is curated by the artist Andreas Giannoutsos.

Admission is free

Duration: 28 September 2024 to 31 January 2025.

Information: [email protected]

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