The show “Women of Passion, Women of Greece” continues its successful run with a major tour in China, unique for Greek theatre. The English-language production, directed by Tatiana Lygari, has been on an excellent journey within and outside the Greek borders since 2016, when it was first presented at the TTo treno sto Rouf-Railway carriage theatre, with enthusiastic reviews from Greek and foreign audiences.

After Sydney, Adelaide, Darwin, Brussels and participation in the 8th Theatre Olympics in New Delhi and Bangalore, the new journey of this excellent show includes 11 performances in 4 major cities of the People’s Republic of China (Beijing, Shijiazhuang, Pengzhou and Chengdu) as part of the 2nd International Monodrama Festival.

Maria Callas, Melina Mercouri, Medea, three legendary female figures between myth and reality project the Woman and travel Greek culture around the world through the powerful and moving text of Eugenia Arsenis, the inspiring direction of Tatiana Lygari, the versatile performance of Evelina Arapidi in the three iconic roles and the collaboration of the musician Fotis Mylonas. A journey of a lifetime starting from Ancient Greece and ending in Greece today. The tragic heroine of the ancient drama Medea meets the two great priestesses of modern Greece, Maria Callas and Melina Mercouri. A common characteristic unites their different paths: passion. Passion for life, passion for love, passion for creation, passion for freedom. History, culture, the power of the human soul, the struggles for democracy are brought to life by an actress and a musician and accompany us on this charming journey of creative memory, humour and emotion, where Greece is at the same time the starting point and the final destination, with the feelings of people all over the world as the stopping point.

The director of the show Tatiana Lygari notes: “This tour is part of our cultural organization’s goals for extroversion and visibility of contemporary Greek culture abroad. In our 27 years of operation, we have travelled with theatrical and musical performances in Morocco, Lebanon, Romania, Australia, Belgium, India and of course in the Greek region. But this extensive and rare for Greek standards tour is a strategic effort by To treno sto Rouf to promote Greek theatrical creation in a vast Asian country with a rich cultural tradition and a keen interest in Greek culture, such as China.”

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