The beaches of the Municipality of Agia are in full lifeguard coverage again this year after the contract of the municipality with the InAction lifeguard school. The contract started on 1 June and will last until 30 September and covers the entire beach front of the Municipality of Agia. There are already five lifeguard towers in which a total of ten people serve using two large and five small boats that monitor the entire beachfront of the municipality.

The lifeguard stations are located on the beach of Agiokampos (3), on the beach of Velika (1) and on the beach of Stomio (1). The boats carry out daily patrols along the entire front. The Coast Guard of Agiokampos, the Ambulance Service and the Health Centres of Sotiritsa and Agia also assist in the lifeguard coverage.

Both the Municipality of Agia and the InAction lifeguard school call the attention of bathers, especially the elderly, people with health problems and children, to choose the beaches where lifeguard stations operate and to be particularly careful during the summer months, so that there are no problems. Particularly for children, they point out that they need constant supervision, as child drowning is “silent” and for this reason our country mourns victims every year.

After the end of the rescue season, the two large vessels will remain in the area assisting the efforts of the Port Authority of Agiokampos, throughout the year.

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