A dive in the waters of the Aegean Sea in May for the visitors of the Historical Archive – Museum of Hydra.
“Navigator” is the painter Katja Nagel who presents her works for the first time in Greece. Born in Munich (1963) and raised in Athens, she “returns” to the waters of Greece every time she paints from her studio in Germany. Marine deities, fish and sea creatures are mainly rendered in side view or in swirls in a Popartian manner. A colourful festival that leads the viewer’s gaze into a mythical world.
Free of historical references and academic models, Katja Nagel carries in her artistic construction her passion for the sea, a relationship of intimacy and love with what she tries to preserve under the surface, beyond the gaze of people. Her compositions are characterized by vivid, intense colours and a pattern that is dense, organically integrated into the colour. She creates succulent, joyful images, thanks to the completely uninhibited way that characterizes her overall expression in art.
She says: “With my painting I want to share the beauty, the joy, even the comfort I find in the everyday things of life. And because all these things emerge within us, it is our emotions that become a journey into ourselves, I would like to invite you to encounter the extraordinary even in ordinary shapes taken out of everyday life. I will feel complete if I can take the viewer with me on this journey.”
With a successful career in the business world, in recent years Katja Nagel left the corporate world to throw herself seamlessly into the – never-ending – journey of painting. She owes her love of the sea to the Aegean and this generously provides her with the lovely subjects she shares on the website katja-nagel.art
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