Last Wednesday the operation of the “New Missolonghian School” in the premises of the Historical Museum “Diexodos” started with unbelievable participation of interested people.
The turnout was overwhelming and for this reason it was repeated the next day.
The subject of the first meeting was the lagoon and its destruction.
The participants, with the founder of the “Diexodos Museum” as the moderator of the discussion, talked and discussed, as it had been announced, about the old Ivory Coast and the ways of fishing, about tadpoles, jenium, pryas, harpoons, longlines and half-rods, about the donkeys and donkey-birds, about the priapuses and passaras, about the cooperative fishermen and the boatmen, about the OSSELMA and finally about the destruction of the wide and tame, shallow and large lagoon of Palamas.
The evening ended with the screening of the exquisite film “The Lake of Desires” which was shot in 1957 in the lagoon, the content of which was analysed by the friend of “Diexodos” Makis Theofilatos.
The aim of the “New Missolonghian School”, the meetings of which will take place every month, will be to revive memory on issues related exclusively to the old Missolonghi and its enormous historical, cultural and environmental wealth.
The next meeting will take place on Wednesday, February 21, on the subject of the plazas of Messolonghi and in particular the “Arapoyali”, “Bania”, “Karavi”, “Marokia”, “Sirmi” and the “plazas” of Sophia, Napoleon and Kyhranatzis.
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