Marginalia Gallery will present from Friday 06 October until Saturday 28 October an exhibition of paintings by Giorgos Louloudis entitled ¨26 Works – Ideas in Mixed Technique¨
From the personal notes of the artist, one can get a glimpse of the content of the exhibition:
“I don’t have a specific picture of the result, all the elements are gathered during the development of the work and through “dialogues” and compositions the result comes out. While I stay true to the original idea, working from memory and with emotion I let things come to the surface. The work guides me and I am guided by it. The materials are always the same but I don’t follow any order or rules. I follow the qualities and textures and that’s where I work. Landscapes, buildings, still life, are not so much connected in subject matter as in technique. It’s a unity of work from the last two years.”
Inauguration: Friday 6 October 2023
Friday 2023232020 and time 19.00 – 22.00
Exhibition duration: 6/10/2023- 28/10/2023
Opening hours : Tuesday-Friday: 10.00 – 13.00 & 17.00 – 20.00
Saturday: 10.30 – 13.00
Arch. Kyprianou 15 D, E 2059 Strovolos, tel.99657080
Email: [email protected]
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