The Minister of Culture, Lina Mendoni, declared as monuments the buildings of Caserma Marinai, known nowadays as Poseidonion, Il Grande Magazino in Gonia, in Lakki, and the Aerophone and its surrounding area, in Patella, accepting the positive opinion of the Central Council for Modern Monuments.
As the Minister of Culture stated, “We have proceeded to declare as monuments the buildings of Caserma Marinai, Il Grande Magazine and the Aerophone the ancestor of the radar, together with its surrounding area, as they are evidence of the development of the area from architectural, cultural and historical perspective. Our strategy at the Ministry of Culture, since 2019, is to connect the special character of historical areas of our country that were battlefields in the two World Wars, on the basis of sustainable management and development perspective. Leros presents a completely unique, for Greek standards, architectural physiognomy, being an ideal place for the implementation of our policy.
The Ministry of Culture for the promotion of the cultural reserve and the unique architectural and urban character of Leros, in collaboration with the National Technical University of Athens and the University of Thessaly, completed the strategic plan, which constitutes the road map for the integrated management, protection and promotion of the island’s monuments, such as Panteli Castle, the Churches of Agia Koura in Partheni, Agios Petros in Drymona, Agios Zacharios and Agios Spyridonos in Merikia, the fortress in “Bourtzi” and the historic hotel “Leros”, of which we included the second phase of its restoration, with a budget of 2,197,323 euros, to the Recovery Fund. For these monuments, their restoration projects have already started or are underway. At the same time, by implementing the strategic management plan, we are spreading a protection network for all the monuments of the island. The cultural heritage of Leros must be kept alive, as part of a wider development plan, historical tourism, with the aim of attracting visitors and reviving the local production process”.
The monuments are typical examples of the architecture of the 20th century: the Poseidonion is an excellent example of eclecticism, Il Grande Magazino is a “deco” style, being evidence of the Italian Occupation of the Dodecanese, during the period 1912-1943, as well as of the evolution of area from an architectural, cultural and historical point of view. The complex of buildings of Aerophone, proof of the Italian Occupation of the Dodecanese, during the period 1912-1943, with its curved acoustic walls, its underground facilities and its surrounding area are a unique example of military architecture in Greece and one of the few surviving facilities of aerophones, covering 360 degrees, in Europe. It is preserved in excellent condition, being an important remnant of military history.
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